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Silverudd Blue

Will come in splash AND blue coloring
Price: $15
Chicks are sold straight run.
Each chick has a 50/50 chance of being male or female.
NOTE: Chicks will come in blue AND splash feather coloring.
Egg Color: Green with tan speckles
Egg Size: Medium
Eggs Per Year: 250+ eggs/year
Isbars are the ONLY pure breed of chicken that lays a naturally green tinted egg. Crazy right?! All other green egg layers are created by breeding two different breeds together. We work with first generation imports that were received from Alchemist farms years ago.
In the 1950’s a swedish monk named Martin Silverudd created the Isbar chicken. He crossed a small yet productive Rhode Island Red with a New Hampshire breed. To introduce the green eggshell gene he crossed breeds including the Cream Legbar, which carries the blue eggshell gene. He then crossbred the Cream Legbar with New Hampshire and Rhode Island breeds to combine the blue egg gene with the brown egg gene. The result is the Isbar chicken with pretty green colored eggs.
After Martin passed away the name Isbar officially changed to Silverudd’s Blue. The suffix “bar” caused confusion because it means that the breed is barred or has stripes on its feathers. However, the Isbar didn’t have this distinct feature. The breed is officially registered as Silverudd’s Blue but many poultry enthusiasts still refer to this heritage chicken as Isbar.
Black Copper Marans

Price: $10
Chicks are sold straight run.
Each chick has a 50/50 chance of being male or female.
Egg Color: Dark brown
Egg Size: Large
Eggs Per Year: 200 eggs/year
The Marans originated in Marans, France. They were imported into the United Kingdom in the 1930s. The original birds were crossed with local barnyard chickens from Indonesia and India that sailors brought in. These original chickens were known as Marandaise fowl. Later on, the Marans were refined by Brahmas, Coucou de Malines, Croad Langshan, Coucou de Rennes and Gatinaise chickens to produce the Maran breed we know of today.
Marans hens lay around 200 eggs per year and are known for their incredibly dark brown egg color. All colors of marans lay brown eggs, but the Black Copper lay the darkest color known as being especially “chocolate.” Marans are generally docile, but aren’t known as a cuddly bird. They are an active bird that enjoys foraging and free ranging, but handles confinement well.
Our Black Copper Marans are from the line Little Peddler. We love a good looking bird, but we mostly try and breed for those dark, dark brown eggs!
Cream Legbar

Price Pullet: $20
Chicks can be sexed at hatch.
Egg Color: Blue
Egg Size: Large
Eggs per Year: 200 eggs/year
The Legbar was the second auto sexing breed created by Michael Pease and Reginald Crundall Punnett, which was created in 1929 by crossing barred Plymouth Rock with Gold Campine birds. Cream Legbars are such docile chickens and they’re little tuffs on their heads are absolutely adorable! Our breeding flock comes from the Rees line and Feather Baby Farm. They lay large blue eggs and are a hatching favorite because they are auto sexed at hatch. Cockerels (males) will have a bright white dot on the top of their heads and the Pullets (females) will not.
Opal Legbar - 2 chick maximum

Price Pullet: $35
Chicks can be sexed at hatch.
Egg Color: Blue/Seafoam
Egg Size: Large
Eggs Per Year: 200 eggs/year
Opal Legbars are a beautiful variety of Legbar chicken developed by introducing the lavender gene from Isabel Leghorns into a Cream Legbar breeding program. The opal coloring is absolutely stunning! Like the Cream Legbar, this breed is auto sexed at hatch. This coloring is very new, most of our hens lay blue eggs, but occasionally we will get a hen that lays a seafoam colored egg. These are docile birds and have the cutest opal tuffs on their heads! The Opal Split Legbars are Cream Legbars in coloring but carry the gene that can breed opals.
Our Opal flock is fairly small so we have a maximum on how many chicks can be ordered. Once our grow outs are laying we will be able to hatch out more.
Opal Split Legbar - 2 chick maximum
Price Pullet: $30
Chicks can be sexed at hatch.
Egg Color: Blue/Seafoam
Egg Size: Large
Eggs Per Year: 200 eggs/year
Opal splits will carry the lavender gene but their feathering will look like a cream legbar. Our Opal flock is fairly small so we have a maximum on how many chicks can be ordered. Once our grow outs are laying we will be able to hatch out more.

Price Pullet: $15
Chicks can be sexed at hatch.
Egg Color: Brown Egg with brown speckles. Please note speckles can vary in size, and the shade of brown the egg is varies, too.
Egg Size: Large
Eggs Per Year: 200 eggs/year
Welsummers originate from Welsum, located in the Netherlands, in the post-World War 1 era. They were primarily bred as a table bird and quickly became popular because of their beautiful dark brown eggs. It is said that some of of the Netherland’s landrace varieties were bred with standard chickens such as the partridge Wyandotte, partridge Cochin, partridge Leghorn, Rhode Island Red and Barnevelder to become the Welsummer breed.
The Welsummer is a calm and docile breed that don’t mind being handled by their keepers. They are average egg layers laying around 200 eggs each year. Their brown egg color is truly beautiful and often includes dark brown speckles. Welsummers are heavyweight making them hardy against winter temperatures, but with access to shade, can tolerate the warmer weather, too. They are not known for being broody, and tend to be rotten mothers so use your own broody to get the job done.
F3 Olive Egger

Price: $10
Chicks are sold straight run.
Each chick has a 50/50 chance of being male or female.
Chicks come in blue and black feather coloring.
Egg Color: Green
Egg Size: Large
Eggs Per Year: 250 eggs/year
Olive Eggers are not a breed, but a cross between two breeds to get those pretty green eggs. Our Olive Eggers are bred with Black Copper Marans roosters to get dark green eggs. F2 means the hens are second generation of cross breeding. This is done to get even darker shades of green than a first generation olive egger. Because of this, occasionally we’ll get a hen that lays dark brown eggs like a Black Copper Marans. We love both colors, though, so either way we’re happy! Out of all our breeds, these girls lay the largest eggs.
Olive Egger
Price: $8
Chicks are sold straight run.
Each chick has a 50/50 chance of being male or female.
Egg Color: Green
Egg Size: Large
Eggs Per Year: 250 eggs/year
Olive Eggers are not a breed, but a cross between two breeds to get those pretty green eggs. Our Olive Eggers are bred with Black Copper Marans roosters to get pretty green eggs. Out of all our breeds, these girls lay the largest eggs.
Double Silver Laced Barnevelder

Price: $10
Chicks are sold straight run.
Each chick has a 50/50 chance of being male or female.
Egg Color: Tan
Egg Size: Medium
Eggs Per Year: 200 eggs/year
The barnevelder originates from the Dutch town of Barneveld, Netherlands. They were created by crossing Dutch chicken breeds with an Asian breed known as Shanghai chickens. Breeds that are said to have been used are the Cochin, Brahma, Croad Langshan and possibly Buff Orpington and Wyandotte. There are many colors of the Barnevelder, but the Double Silver Laced variety is known to be the most rare. We work hard to breed only the finest quality of perfect and precise double lacing to consistently produce the finest double laced chicks every hatch.
Our barnevelders produce a light brown egg and lay 180-200 eggs per year. These are an extremely docile and friendly breed, great for children to raise. Even the roosters are known for being very gentle and calm. The hens are amazing mothers, brooding their own eggs and giving great care to their offspring. They have a medium sized frame, making them a little smaller than a typical standard size chicken. They are hardy against cold and warm temperatures and are an absolute customer favorite!
Our breeding flock is from Alchemist Farms.
I really like the double laced Barnvelder. Do you do growouts?
I do not, just chickies!
Where do you ship from?
Noel Trout
Lodi, California